Friday 21 June 2013


Why We Should Take Our Homework?

Homework is a school task, that we should finish at home. I mean, why we should bring our school to our lovely home? Enough with all of the stress and just leave it at school. But unfortunately some teacher force their student to do some homework. The reason is maybe always the same "to increase the ability of the student", and some parent also asking about homework to their young. Do you have any homework today? And maybe even worse "Why the teacher didn't give you any homework?".
home work today is start from bla..bla..bla...
The adults always thinking how to giving the best to their young, sometimes they do it without noticing what their young want. As a kids, they just need a free time to play. Playing some games with friends, or just relaxing their brain after all days of school. According to National Differences, Global Similiarities: World Culture and Future of Schooling, student in Japan, Czech, and Denmark just recieve a small amout of homework. And the result? They got a high rank, but on contrary, student in Thailand, Greek, and Iran. The teacher gives many homework to their student, but the student got the lowest rank (by David Baker, Penn State University).
ilustration of depressed student
But actually, homework is also the way to improves children ability outside the class. So, its an important job for the teacher to design a good task, or homework without burden the student. Why we called it a homework? Because of the way we see it as a WORK. The teacher must be able to design a good homework so it is not add somt stress to the student. For example teacher can give a pair work as a homework. The student can do it with their partners, and if they do that, maybe they will consider it as playing, because they have to go to their friend's house to finish the task. They will get some knowledge without any stress and maybe without realizing it.

Wednesday 8 May 2013

The Importance of English in Globalization Era

English becomes global dominated language. In fact, it is the second most spoken language in the world. It is the language of science, aviation, computing, diplomacy, and tourism. Developing in English language skills can enhance one career prospectus. 
One cannot ignored Important of English language in era of globalization. It dominates all other languages. In fact, it is the second most spoken language in the world. Statistic says that that there are 380 million native speakers and 300 million who use English as a second language and a further 100 million use it as a foreign language. It is the language of science, aviation, computing, diplomacy, and tourism.
Globalization made use of English language more widen. The ability to speak and write English properly has been one essential benchmark skills in the professional world. English is considered the universal language and medium of communication for Businesses worldwide.
Firstly, English is a mean of communication. It is true that people who are from a distinctive variety of backgrounds, languages and cultures use English as lingua franca to communicate and interact each other. For instance, use of English within various international events or programs such as annual seminar, international conference, business trade forum as well as world education Olympic.
Secondly, English also gives a positive contribution in the development of science and technology. In terms of science and education, every person recognizes that many research findings and experiments result including an articles, journals, bulletin, and literature are written and published in English. Pertaining to technology development, almost all electronic devices use English as a medium instruction in operating them. Thus, it is needed a good English comprehension so that we easily use it.
Thirdly, apart from two impact of English on globalization era that have been explained above, there is also an essential thing that we cannot neglect or deny that English becomes uncultivated requirement for some things. For example, several companies, institutions, and government offices require the job seekers show English proficiency ability when they are applying a job. Another example is in the field of scholarship selection for every applicant who want to obtain financial aids/support for their sustainable studies such as ADS or Fulbright that is allocated and given annually. The other example is when we wish to pursue our studies abroad; the university which wants us to enclose the result of English proficiency like IELTS or TOEFL.
In conclude, in this globalization era that English is very important for people and require the people to learn English in order to make the people always ready to face the globalization challenges in the field of communication, science and technology and requirement.

Monday 6 May 2013



Mayday adalah Hari Kelahiran Illuminati , Akan menjadi Hari Libur Nasional Tahun Depan

1 Mei 1776, sebuah perkumpulan persaudaraan rahasia didirikan. Pengagasnya adalah Adam Weishaupt. Nama kelompok ini adalah Illuminati

Nama kelompok ini terbongkar sejak diterbitkannya karya fiksi ilmiah postmodern berjudul The Illuminatus! Trilogy (1975-7) karya Robert Shea dan Robert Anton Wilson. Nama Illuminati banyak digunakan untuk menunjukkan organisasi persekongkolan yang dipercaya mendalangi dan mengendalikan berbagai peristiwa di dunia melalui pemerintah dan korporasi untuk mendirikan Tatanan Dunia Baru.

Gerakan ini didirikan dengan nama Ordo Illuminati, dengan anggota awalnya sebanyak lima orang, dipelopori oleh Adam Weishaupt. Dia adalah profesor hukum kanon di Universitas Ingolstadt. Kelompok ini terdiri dari para pemikir bebas dan mencontoh gerakan orang-orang Yahudi, Freemason. Anggota Illuminati melakukan sumpah rahasia dan berikrar untuk mengabdi kepada atasan mereka. Anggotanya dibagi menjadi tiga kelas, masing-masing dengan beberapa tingkatan, dan banyak cabang Illuminati menarik orang-orang terkenal Yahudi yang kemudian menjadi penguasa di beberapa negara di dunia.

Pada awalnya Weishaupt berencana bahwa kelompok itu akan dinamai “Perfectibilists”. Kelompok itu juga disebut Illuminati Bavaria dan ideologinya disebut “Illuminisme”. Banyak intelektualis dan politisi progresif terkenal yang menjadi anggotanya. Organisasi ini memiliki cabang di banyak negara di Eropa. Dilaporkan bahwa ada sekitar 2.000 anggota dalam kurun waktu 10 tahun berhasil direkrut Illuminati.

Hari kelahiran Illuminati sendiri ditetapkan setelah Weishaupt selesai menyusun buku yang berjudul The Novus Ordo Seclorum yang berisi konsep-konsep, doktrin, serta teori tentang pemerintahan global. Sebagai penghormatan terhadap dirinya, tanggal 1 Mei dijadikan sebagai hari perayaan buruh di seluruh dunia.

Pemikiran Weishaupt dikembangkan pula pada pola pemikiran filosof Friedrich W Nietzsche yang mengkampanyekan slogan “God is dead!” sebagai salah satu bentuk serangan terhadap agama Kristen.

Keanggotaan Illuminati sangat selektif, yaitu semua anggotanya berkualifikasi sampai ke tingkat atas yang didasarkan pada keunggulan fisik dan intelektual. Para anggotanya terdiri atas orang-orang penting di pemerintahan, para ahli keuangan yang mampu mengendalikan sistem perekonomian seluruh negara.

Gerakan Iluminati akhirnya berkembang dikarenakan dukungan dari keluarga Rothchild. Keluarga ini merupakan tokoh perbankan yang sangat dominan di Jerman dan disebut sebagai dinasti, karena keturunannya memegang jaringan kerajaan dunia perbankan di Eropa.

1 1Saat ini, Illuminati sudah memasuki seluruh kehidupan peradaban bangsa di dunia. Dia melakukan kendali politik dari jarak jauh. Mengadu domba antara rakyat dan pemerintahnya. Semuanya itu dilakukannya dalam rangka melemahkan bangsa tersebut agar menjadi budak “dunia baru” yang dicita-citakannya. Ironisnya, mulai 2014, di Indonesia hari kelahiran Illuminati yang bersamaan dengan hari buruh ‘Mayday’ akan menjadi hari libur nasional.

Thursday 2 May 2013


Mungkin anda tak akan percaya dengan kehebatan dan kecanggihan mobil-mobil ini. Percayakah anda jika ada mobil yang hanya menggunakan bahan bakar air? Inilah 10 mobil yang menggunakan bahan bakar air.

1. Aston Martin DBGT 2025

Mobil ini mampu melaju dengan bahan bakar yang berasal dari air setelah melalui proses elektrolisis, yang mengarah ke nol emisi. Aston Martin DBGT 2025 adalah salah satu desain mobil terbaik masa depan. Aston Martin tampak berkelas dan sangat menarik.

2. Honda FC Sport

Perusahaan telah merilis FC Sport, yang merupakan design mobil sport berbahan bakar sel hidrogen yang pernah ditampilkan pada event di LA Auto Show. sahabat anehdidunia, FC Sport didasarkan pada V-Flow Stack dari konsep FCX Clarity. Mobil ini menggabungkan high-power fuel cell stack, yang terletak di antara tempat duduk belakang, dan baterai cadangan diletakkan di tengah mobil.

3. BMW HR2 Hybrid Car

BMW juga mengembangkan mobil bahan bakar sel, dengan menggunakan teknologi mobil hibrida. BMW menjanjikan untuk meluncurkan versi dual-mode Seri 7 saat ini selama siklus produksi model ini, dengan demikian mobil pertama dari jenisnya dapat melaju dengan bahan bakar hidrogen dan bensin.

4. Jaguar C-XC

Jaguar C-XC hadir dengan sel drive berbahan bakar hidrogen yang terpasang di bawah permukaan salah satu kacanya, yang meliputi seluruh panjang mobil, ditambah dengan estetika Aerodynamic.
Roda mobil juga ditutup untuk lebih meningkatkan sifat Aerodynamic. Selain didukung oleh mesin nol-emisi, bahan yang digunakan untuk membangun tubuh mobil memiliki dampak lingkungan yang minimal. Mobil dirancang bangun dari kulit sayuran dan daur ulang botol PET.

5. General Motors’ HydroGen4

HydroGen4 menggunakan 440 sel hidrogen tunggal yang menggabungkan hidrogen dari serat dengan tangki penyimpanan karbon dan oksigen dari udara untuk menghasilkan listrik, yang kemudian mendorong mobil menghasilkan kecepatan maksimum 100 mph.
Mobil ini dari saat berhenti hingga melesat dengan kecepatan 62 mph hanya membutuhkan waktu 12 detik.

6. RT20

RT20 juga didukung oleh hidrogen cair. Dengan mesin V6 twin-turbo berbahan bakar hidrogen ini sangat menjanjikan kenyamanan dalam berkendara serta dilengkapi fitur-fitur keamanan yang lengkap.
Suspensi pegas yang biasanya berbasis konvensional diganti dengan elektromagnet untuk respon yang lebih baik.

7. H2 Racer

Mobil dengan Zero-Emisi telah dirancang untuk pembalap tercepat di dunia yang berbahan bakar hidrogen pada tahun 2009.
Selain bertujuan untuk memecahkan rekor, mobil ini juga telah dirancang untuk menunjukkan kekuatan bahan bakar bersih seperti hidrogen ke seluruh dunia.
Mobil ini didukung oleh mesin dengan pembakaran internal yang telah dimodifikasi untuk melaju dengan hidrogen. Dengan mesin yang ecofriendly, mobil ini diperkirakan mampu mencapai kecepatan lebih dari 170km / jam.

8. Mazda TONBO

Dirancang oleh Dedek Design dan Mazda Eropa, mobil dengan sel bahan bakar hidrogen ini dipastikan mengeluarkan air murni dari knalpotnya.
Sama halnya dengan Rinspeed Scuba, mobil ini juga dirancang dapat dikemudikan di air. Fitur lain yang inovatif dari mobil ini adalah penggunaan sistem parkir anti-perusak.

9. Ronn Motors Scorpion Roadster

Roadster yang didukung mesin bertenaga hidrogen / bensin yang tidak hanya memastikan emisi rendah, tetapi juga menjanjikan sensasi yang dikenal untuk sebuah supercar. Scorpion dilengkapi dengan body dengan tampilan berkelas dan futuristik.

10. Honda PUYO

Honda PUYO diaktifkan oleh sel bahan bakar hidrogen. Sebuah karya yang inovatif, dengan berbentuk kotak halus yang lembut dan memberikan ruang maksimum. Body yang seluruhnya hampir transparan menjadikannya berpenampilan paling unik.

Akan saya jelaskan bagaimana cara kerja sistem ini secara garis besar dan simple. Walau nampaknya tidak mungkin menjalankan mobil Anda dengan hidrogen dan bensin. Sayang teknologi ini belum cukup berkembang untuk bisa menjalankan mobil sepenuhnya dengan bahan bakar hidrogen. Tapi saya yakin hal itu akan segera terwujud.
Hidrogen sebagai gas sangat mudah menguap dan bisa menyebabkan terjadinya ledakan bila terlalu pekat. Masalah itulah yang muncul ketika menyimpan hidrogen dalam kendaraan yang melaju, itulah sebabnya kita menggunakan air. Sebagai cairan, tidak mungkin terbakar. Air terdiri dari dua bagian hidrogen dan satu bagian oksigen (H2O).
Dengan menambahkan arus listrik ke dalam air, terbentuklah gas HHO (sering disebut dengan gas hijau). Mobil membutuhkan oksigen untuk pembakaran dan mobil Anda sudah memiliki asupan udara bagi oksigen yang dibutuhkannya. Dengan memproduksi gas HHO dan memaparkannya pada sistem pembakaran yang ada, hidrogen digunakan sebagai bahan bakar dan oksigen menambah lingkungan pembakaran menjadi lebih kaya. Udara hanya mengandung 16-21% oksigen, jadi dengan memaparkan oksigen murni pada campuran, menjadikan sistem itu lebih efisien. lebih sedikit bahan bakar yang dibutuhkan karena hidrogen digunakan juga sebagai bahan bakar. Sekering digunakan untuk menghindari penumpukan gas hidrogen yang terlalu banyak, membuatnya sangat aman.
Hasil buangan dari pembakaran bahan bakar yang normal menghasilkan gas yang berbahaya, termasuk sejumlah besar karbon dioksida (CO2) dan meninggalkan kerak dalam mesin Anda. Menggunakan air sebagai bahan bakar menghasilkan produk buangan tanpa polusi, hanya air saja. Tak ada zat buangan tertinggal dalam mesin Anda. Kalaupun ada, air akan membersihkan dan melumasi mesin Anda.

Friday 26 April 2013

Introduce to ICT

Introduction to ICT

ICTs stand for information and communication technologies and are defined, for the purposes, as a “diverse set of technological tools and resources used to communicate, and to create, disseminate, store, and manage information.” These technologies include computers, the Internet, broad casting technologies (radio and television), and telephony.

The  Effectiveness  of ICTs in Education:
•  Anytime, anywhere. One of the ability of ICT is to transcend time and space. Its make a possible asynchronous learning. Online course materials for the example, can be accsessed 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. No time limit, and space limit in ICT

•  Access to remote learning resources. With the ict, teacher do not need to rely on the text book again. The source for the learning materials can be obtained everywhere inside the World Wide Web. It will prevent the student and the teacher from the "Mainstream Zone". It will be always something new everyday, not always materials from the text book.

·         ICTs help prepare individuals for the workplace.
One of the most commonly cited reasons for using ICTs in the classroom has been to better prepare the current generation of students for a workplace where ICTs, particularly computers, the Internet and related technologies, are becoming more and more ubiquitous. Technological literacy, or the ability to use ICTs effectively and efficiently, is thus seen as representing a competitive edge in an increasingly globalizing job market.
General benefits
·         Greater efficiency throughout the school.
·         Communication channels are increased through email, discussion groups and chat rooms
·         Regular use of ICT across different curriculum subjects can have a beneficial motivational influence on students’ learning.

Benefits for teachers
·         ICT facilitates sharing of resources, expertise and advice
·         Greater flexibility in when and where tasks are carried out
·         Gains in ICT literacy skills, confidence and enthusiasm.
·         Easier planning and preparation of lessons and designing materials
·         Access to up-to-date pupil and school data, any time and anywhere.
·         Enhancement of professional image projected to colleagues.
·         Students are generally more ‘on task’ and express more positive feelings when they use computers than when they are given other tasks to do.
·         Computer use during lessons motivated students to continue using learning outside school hours.

Benefits for students
·         Higher quality lessons through greater collaboration between teachers in planning and preparing resources .
·         More focused teaching, tailored to students’ strengths and weaknesses, through better analysis of attainment data
·         Improved pastoral care and behaviour management through better tracking of students
·         Gains in understanding and analytical skills, including improvements in reading
·         Comprehension.
·         Development of writing skills (including spelling, grammar, punctuation, editing and re-drafting), also fluency, originality and elaboration.
·         Encouragement of independent and active learning, and self-responsibility for learning.
·         Flexibility of ‘anytime, anywhere’ access (Jacobsen and Kremer, 2000)
·         Development of higher level learning styles.
·         Students who used educational technology in school felt more successful in school, were more motivated to learn and have increased self-confidence and self-esteem
·         Students found learning in a technology-enhanced setting more stimulating and student-centred than in a traditional classroom
·         Broadband technology supports the reliable and uninterrupted downloading of web-hosted educational multimedia resources
·         Opportunities to address their work to an external audience
·         Opportunities to collaborate on assignments with people outside or inside school

Benefits for parents
·         Easier communication with teachers
·         Higher quality student reports – more legible, more detailed, better presented
·         Greater access to more accurate attendance and attainment information
·         Increased involvement in education for parents and, in some cases, improved self-esteem
·         Increased knowledge of children’s learning and capabilities, owing to increase in learning activity being situated in the home
·         Parents are more likely to be engaged in the school community
·         You will see that ICT can have a positive impact across a very wide range of aspects of school life.
Examples of ICT-based activities
What kind of classroom activities are suited to the use of ICT? The following is a brief guide to some of the most common uses of ICT in teaching and learning.

Finding out
Students can use ICT to find out information and to gain new knowledge in several ways. They may find information on the Internet or by using an ICT-based encyclopedia such as Microsoft Encarta. They may find information by extracting it from a document prepared by the teacher and made available to them via ICT, such as document created using Microsoft Word or a Microsoft PowerPoint slideshow. They may find out information by communicating with people elsewhere using email, such as students in a different school or even in a different country.

Processing knowledge
Students can use ICT as part of a creative process where they have to consider more carefully the information which they have about a given subject. They may need to carry out calculations (eg. by using Microsoft Excel), or to check grammar and spelling in a piece of writing (perhaps using Microsoft Word), or they may need to re-sequence a series of events (for example by re-ordering a series of Microsoft PowerPoint slides).

Sharing knowledge
Students can use ICT to present their work in a highly professional format. They can create documents and slideshows to demonstrate what they have learned, and then share this with other students, with their teacher, and even via email with people all around the world.
     So, it is clear now why we should using ICT in our education. Event it seems really nice and perfect, it is also has a lack in the proccess. But it is our job to prevent the "lack" to give a negative impact to our student as a teacher.

Thursday 11 April 2013

Kenakalan Anak dan Faktor Pengawasan Orang Tua

Jum'at kemarin, seperti biasa saya solad jum'at. Tapi ad sesuatu yang mengganggu, yaitu anak-anak yang berada di shaf paling belakang. Mereka bukan solad seperti jamaah lain, melainkan asik bermain bersama teman-temannya. Hal ini tentu saja mengganggu jamaah yang lain. Ini hanya sebagian contoh kecil dari sekian banyak kenakalan anak-anak di sekitar kita

Hal ini tentu saja bukan salah mereka. Mereka hanya anak kecil yang pola pikirnya masih polos, dan tidak mengerti apa akibat dari perbuatan mereka kepada orang banyak dan terutama akibatnya kepada dirinya sendiri. Hal itu merupakan tanggung jawab orang tua, dan juga kita semua yang berada di sekelilingnya, untuk mendidik dan mengayomi anak tersebut sehingga menjadi insan manusia yang tidak hanya cerdas, tapi juga berahlak dan berbudi pekerti baik.

Dan menurut penelitian kecil-kecilan yang saya lakukan d lingkungan sekitar, penyebab utama kenakalan anak adalah KELEMAHAN PENGAWASAN DARI ORANG TUA. Mereka cenderung membiarkan anak bermain sendiri, tanpa pengawasan. Memang tujuannya baik, yaitu agar si anak dapat mandiri. Tapi hal ini merupakan pisau bermata dua. Disatu sisi, si anak akan menjadi mandiri dan terbiasa jauh dari orang tua, tapi disisi lain, si anak akan menjadi memiliki pergaulan yang terlalu bebas. Dia akan belajar mengumpat dari temannya, belajar menjadi kurang ajar kepada orang tua, dan mungkin bahkan belajar merokok.

Jika sudah demikian, tentunya sudah terlambat bagi orang tua untuk memberikan pengawasan kepada si anak. Dan dampak lebih lanjut tentu si anak akan lebih menyusahkan bagi si orang tua itu sendiri. Sedikit saran dari saya, luangkan waktu anda untuk mengawasi anak anda tatkala ia sedang bermain. Segera tegur bila ia telah kurang ajar seperti mengumpat atau sebagainya, agar si anak paham bahwa perbuatannya itu salah. Jika tidak sedari dini, maka efek buruknya akan semakin kuat pada diri si anak dan akan semakin sulit di hilangkan....

Thursday 28 February 2013

5 Actual Health Benefits From Being A Gamer

5 Actual Health Benefits From Being A Gamer

You’re at home one night vegging out on the couch with a video game controller in your hands and your thumbs furiously pounding at an endless wave of mutant warthog alien space zombie Masons. Your girlfriend or wife walks in and catches you "wasting time" with "one of those machines" and wishes you would do something more productive, something other than improve your achievement ranking. You don’t say anything. You just nod quietly and go back to your very loud game of "Gears Of War" and internally deal with the emotional blow to your bruised ego.
While it's true prolonged gaming without physical exertion or exposure to violent video games at a very young age can affect a person's physical and mental well-being to varying degrees, there are other arguments to be made in favor of being a regular, active gamer. And unlike some arguments against gaming, the science exists to back it up. So the next time she gets on your case, throw one of these in her face or at the back of her head as she's leaving you.

1. Improves perception and reaction skills

The best gamers don’t just memorize levels or remember the locations of power-ups and enemies. They also work to improve their timing with every wave of bullets they spray at their enemies. Reaction is key to being a successful gamer, unless you want to get loads of exercise by jumping and screaming at your controller, although that's bad for your heart. A study from the University of Rochester found that video gaming provides "an efficient training regimen to induce a general speeding of perceptual reaction times without decreases in accuracy of performance" by requiring players to develop a "rapid processing of sensory information and prompt action" at crucial points during the game.

2. Treats depression

Nothing can brighten a gloomy day better than the warm glow of a television screen covered in blood and flying bullets. Of course, it’s not just the glow from the TV that makes you feel all warm and gooey inside; it's science. The Annual Review of Cybertherapy and Telemedicine published a preliminary study that found playing certain games can help a person escape from their depression at times when they have no control over the factors that are causing it. The games "seem to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which can reduce the heightened tension that is a natural response to stress." Translation: It makes your brain feel less hurty.

3. Improves physical fitness

Full motion control devices like Nintendo Wii, Playstation Move and XBox Kinect haven't just opened a whole new avenue for eating Cheetos. It may lead a new revolution for physical fitness and agility. The International Sports Sciences Association found people who play motion games in their homes not only hook young children on physical activity at an early age but also could encourage adults to move to more beneficial physical activities, noting, "Simply moving can increase one's metabolism."

4. Allows you to control your dreams

This sounds like something out of a Philip K. Dick novel. However, science has found people who play video games are actually practicing for when they drift off into dream land. Since games give people the ability to control their environment, they can control and reduce particularly harmful nightmares and even give themselves a sense of mental health and stability.

5. Improves visual attention

The University of Rochester found that playing games not only makes people more aware of their surroundings, but can also improve a person’s ability to maintain their focus when it is most needed. These findings suggest that video games or some other more clinical variation may be able to help those who are visually impaired to rehabilitate their sight or even help train soldiers for military service.

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